Hearing Aids Lower Your Risk of Health Issues. Here’s Why.

Hearing aids lower your risk of many health concerns, from cognitive decline to having accidents.


A recent study found people who received hearing aids within three years of being diagnosed with hearing loss were less likely to experience dementia, depression, anxiety, and dangerous falls than those who did not receive hearing aids. This doesn’t prove hearing aids prevent these health issues. But people who regularly wear hearing aids report fewer health problems. Results from the study demonstrated hearing aid users were 18% less likely to develop dementia. They were 11% less likely to develop depression or anxiety, and 13% less likely to suffer a serious fall.

Hearing aids lower your risk of dementia

If these numbers seem low to you, it’s important to remember your health is at stake, and every little bit counts. Previous studies have shown a correlation between hearing loss and other serious health issues, but this study proved it’s an ongoing, worsening issue.

In addition, research from John Hopkins confirms that even mild hearing loss has an effect on the brain. Hearing aids lower your risk of brain atrophy from lack of stimuli.

It’s important to note that many people diagnosed with hearing loss don’t bother getting hearing aids. Why not? For many, the lack of insurance coverage is an issue. Even among those with insurance, the cost may seem too high.

Others go through the motions, getting fitted for hearing aids and bringing them home only to let them sit in the case because wearing them feels like too much of a hassle. Many individuals don’t view hearing loss as an important issue because they can turn up the TV volume to solve the problem.

Louder volume on the TV won’t solve the problem, however, and while hearing loss may seem to be an unavoidable part of growing older, there is much more to it.

The importance of healthy hearing

Hearing clearly is a huge part of communicating. Without the ability to communicate correctly, you may not understand questions posed by your physicians or family members. Therefore you may not be able to convey your symptoms and concerns.

Other issues associated with a lack of reliable communication are less obvious. When you struggle to hear and keep up with a conversation on the phone, you may lose touch with some of the people in your support system out of frustration or embarrassment. Not being able to hear may even lead to less brain stimulation, and we all know that exercising your mind can help fight against dementia.

Hearing aid benefits

Getting a hearing aid isn’t all about severe, long-term concerns. Wearing a hearing aid will immediately improve your quality of life, in addition to your long-term outlook. If you can hear and participate in conversations, it decreases your chances of feeling isolated and allows you to participate more fully in your social life. When you can communicate clearly with your doctor, you can accurately share the health issues you are experiencing and understand your doctor’s treatment plan to reduce your anxiety further.

Is it time to look into a hearing aid? The answer is yes if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Watching TV at extreme volume
  • Asking others to repeat themselves frequently
  • Difficulty hearing the person you are speaking to if there is background noise
  • Avoiding social situations for fear you can’t follow conversations

These are only some of the symptoms that may indicate you should look into a hearing aid. If any of them sound familiar, ask your hearing specialist if a hearing aid may be right for you.

Want more information?

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