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Should I Get a Hearing Test?

Woman in a booth getting a hearing test.

When should you get a hearing test? Here are four signs you need to get your hearing checked.

The other day, my kids complained about how loud my television was. Do you know what I said to them? I said, “What?!” It was funny. Because it was a joke. But it also wasn’t. The TV has been getting louder and louder. And I started to wonder: should I get a hearing test?

There aren’t all that many reasons not to schedule yourself for a hearing test. They’re not invasive, there’s no radiation, you don’t have to worry about discomfort. It’s really just that I haven’t made time for it.

Considering how much untreated hearing loss can affect my health, I really should be more vigilant about making sure my hearing loss hasn’t gotten worse. Because when my hearing changes, I need to have my hearing aids adjusted to counter that.

Hearing assessments are important for a wide variety of reasons. It’s often difficult for you to discover the earliest signs of hearing loss without one, and even mild hearing loss can affect your health.

So when should you get a hearing test? Here are some signs that it’s time.

Signs you should get a hearing test

If you’ve recently experienced any of the signs of a hearing loss, it’s probably a good idea to get a professional hearing screening. Obviously, if things are difficult to hear, that’s a pretty strong indication of hearing loss.

But that’s not the only symptom, and there are some signs of hearing loss that are much less obvious:

Here are a few other situations that indicate you should schedule a hearing screening:

This list is by no means exhaustive. There are other examples of red flags (if, for example, the volume on your TV is maxed out and you still wish it could go just a little bit louder). But any one of these signs is worth following up on.

Regular checkups

But what if, to your knowledge, you haven’t experienced any of these possible signs of hearing loss? Is there a guideline for how often you should go get your hearing checked? (There’s a guideline for everything else, right, so there’s got to be a guideline for this.) Well, yes, there are recommendations.

Regular screenings can help you detect hearing loss before any red flags appear. The earlier you seek treatment, the better you’ll be able to preserve your hearing in the long run. Which means, you should probably turn your TV down and schedule a hearing test.

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