A Cure for Hearing Loss? Maybe, but Beware These “Cures”

Jars of herbs and spices.

If a natural hearing loss cure sounds too good to be true, that’s because it probably is. Discover which “cures” to avoid and the alternative treatments that can help get your hearing back.

Scientists and doctors are working on hearing loss cures such as drugs that may reverse hearing loss and surgical procedures to restore hearing to the profoundly deaf. For example, the SICHL project at Stanford has found that nearly all forms of hearing loss have a genetic component that makes some people more at risk than others and Columbia University is conducting gene therapy trials for hearing loss. There are numerous clinical trials related to hearing loss going on right now, and some drugs show promise. Other advances include cochlear hearing aids and bone-anchored hearing aids, as well as advances in hearing aids to make them work even better. But while science is working on a cure and new therapy options for hearing loss, some products claim to cure hearing loss…and don’t.

Natural remedies are a $140 billion industry worldwide. While some of these remedies seem to work by reducing symptoms or making people feel better, others create a placebo effect and in reality are just schemes to line a scammer’s pockets.

But how can you tell the difference between a real treatment and a fake cure, especially when the “cure” is backed up by scientific proof?

The unfortunate truth is that you usually can’t know with any certainty whether a treatment will work or not, so you may just give one – or several treatments – a try, thinking they can do no harm. But if you’re one of the 466 million people in the world who suffer from hearing loss and you’re looking for natural hearing loss cures, you could be doing severe and irreversible damage to the sense you’re trying to heal.

In fact, many of these natural treatments may surprise you since they have built up positive standings in natural care circles over the years, but scientific proof and facts mean more than reputation.

Let’s explore some dangerous cures for hearing loss you should avoid at all costs and the proven alternatives you should consider instead.

Navajo Restore My Hearing System

It’s named after a Native American tribe so it must be safe and natural, right? Think again. This “hearing loss cure” claims it can restore perfect hearing in as little as two weeks. And of course, the seller of this cure found it in the belongings of a deceased grandmother who was part Navajo.

It makes no distinction between sensorineural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss, which have very different causes. The website claims that this herbal tonic can restore the little hair cells in your inner ear that pick up sounds from your environment. We can very confidently say that it’s just snake oil.

Instead: Visit a Medical Professional

To start, you should visit a medical professional who can help you determine the cause of your hearing loss. Heart conditions, stress, diet, and other health issues can all contribute to hearing loss – which doesn’t even cover external causes, like exposure to loud noises over a long period of time. Your hearing loss can even be brought on by medications you’re taking to treat other conditions. Getting a check-up from your general practitioner or family doctor is a first good step in determining how to get your hearing back.

Improve Your Hearing Naturally

This hearing loss solution didn’t go for a fancy name. It offers to sell you a complete system that will allow you to stop hearing loss and restore your hearing systematically. They make big, bold claims on the website…but offer no evidence to truly back them up.

They promise to share herbs and vitamins you can take to restore hearing. They claim to show you how to detoxify your ear canals (in other words, remove your earwax). They say they can explain how to completely stop hearing loss at any age.

They even offer you a 30-day money back guarantee since, of course, you will know within 30 days if these natural hearing loss cures work.

Instead: Try Mental Health Treatments for a Natural Hearing Loss and Tinnitus Cure

Studies have shown that mental health treatments, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness meditation, can actually help patients treat their hearing loss symptoms. One cause of hearing loss is stress, which brings about high blood pressure that in turn affects the small blood vessels in your ears. Treatments that help reduce stress allow you to bring your hearing loss under control by learning how to manage your symptoms.

Amish Miracle Cure for Hearing Loss

Most think of the Amish as honest and hardworking, so the last thing they think of is a hearing loss scam. That’s likely why scammers chose to call this the “Amish Miracle Cure.” (Bonus tip: Whenever the word “miracle” is used, you should immediately be on guard.)

The proponents claim that the Amish heal hearing loss with antioxidants, gingko biloba, B12, magnesium, and zinc, and you can too. While some studies have shown that these vitamins may help, it can’t be totally proven that they actually helped.

Instead: Add Iron to Your Diet and Get Your Hearing Back

It is true that your diet can affect your hearing. One main diet ingredient is iron, since iron deficiency anemia, caused by a lack of iron in the diet, is shown to cause tinnitus and hearing loss. Vegetarians and people with certain dietary restrictions should make sure to include plenty of iron-rich foods in their diet, such as beans, cereal, and leafy greens, and may even need to take iron supplements if advised by their doctors.

Garlic & Olive Oil Do Not Cure Hearing Loss

Not only does garlic fight off vampires, some claim that it can restore your hearing by 97%. A YouTube video shows you how to make a garlic and olive oil concoction. You just pour it into your ear…wait a minute…

Garlic is antibacterial, which is why it’s common in remedies. But hearing loss is not caused by bacteria. There’s absolutely no scientific reason this should work. What’s worse?

Any hearing care specialist can tell you there’s no reason to pour anything like this in your ear. At best it will be ineffective, at worse it could cost you your hearing.

Instead: Visit a Hearing Specialist for a Cleaning

Seriously, let’s just go back a second and reiterate something: do not pour anything in your ear unless explicitly directed to by a hearing specialist.

If you’re looking for a simple way to improve your hearing, you should go to a hearing specialist for a cleaning. Earwax build-up is a significant cause of hearing loss for many, but it can be easily treated by a trip to a hearing specialist. Specialists have unique tools at their disposal that can quickly remove large waxy build-ups, allowing you to start hearing better immediately.

Eastern Medicine

In traditional Eastern medicine, an underlying imbalance of Chi (life force) is believed to be the cause of many ailments. Hearing loss, in particular, is believed to be a malfunction of the bladder, kidneys, and liver. Anatomically speaking, these organs are responsible for removing toxins from the body, so this theory could make some sense if we think of an imbalanced life force as a build-up of toxins.

Acupuncture, acupressure, and herbal remedies are used create balance to restore hearing. While we don’t deny that there may be some therapeutic value to these remedies, there isn’t enough research to support these theories. More importantly, we can tell you with 100% certainty that they don’t cure hearing loss.

Instead: Look to New Technology for Hearing Loss Cures

Hearing technology has grown leaps and bounds over the past few years. Hearing aids can now feature Bluetooth connectivity and can filter out unwanted noises like other people’s conversations and even the sound of the wind. There are now even hearing aids that can translate other languages almost immediately. For those suffering from more acute hearing loss, cochlear implants have also made significant technological advances over the past several years, which has expanded the number of candidates that can benefit from this potentially life-changing technology.

Why We’re So Confident that “Natural Hearing Loss Cures” Don’t Work

The science doesn’t add up and many of these natural remedies use partial truths.

You do have little hair cells in your inner ear that allow you to hear. These hair cells die when exposed to very loud sounds or other causes. Once they die, they cannot be restored. No tonics, needles or exercises can change this.

We are just as hopeful as you are that one day there will be a cure for hearing loss. Right now the only ways to restore hearing loss are:

  • Cochlear implants
  • Hearing Aids
  • Removing ear canal blockage (if this is the cause)

Why Natural Hearing Loss Remedies Are So Dangerous

We understand the draw of natural medicine. Some natural remedies work, but it’s just not the case for hearing loss. We’re drawn to these remedies because they seem simple, accessible, and safe. The keyword here is “seem.” Trust us; it’s much easier and more efficient to make an appointment with a hearing specialist.

Delaying this appointment may not only speed up your hearing loss, but it can also impact brain health, personal safety, relationships, and your social life. The best thing you can do is get a hearing test and follow your hearing specialist’s advice.

Page medically reviewed by Kevin St. Clergy, Audiologist, on April 6, 2020.

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