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Strategies to Prevent Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Man with weedwacker wearing hearing protection cutting the grass

The average summer day is likely filled with fun activities and happenings, from motorcycle rides to family reunions to fireworks to sporting events. And while most of these activities are healthy (it’s always good to be active) many can present hidden risks to your hearing health. That’s because loud noises, over time, can damage your ability to hear. A loud motorcycle engine or the roar of a crowd could be contributing to long-term, noise induced hearing loss.

What is noise induced hearing loss? This condition occurs when excessively loud noises, over time, cause damage to your hearing. As a result, you experience hearing loss. Noise induced hearing loss is effectively permanent.

There is no cure, though this form of hearing loss can be successfully managed. Increasing your awareness of these common loud noises can help you better manage risks and develop prevention strategies–so you can protect your hearing over the long run. With a few simple adjustments, you can enjoy your summer fun and protect your hearing health.

Is summer really that noisy?

Summer may be one of those times of year in which noise hazards are easiest to miss. Some of the most common dangerously loud noises include the following:

In general, sounds above 85dB are considered to be damaging. This is about the range of a lawn mower, hair dryer, or a typical blender. That’s important to note because these sounds may not feel particularly noisy. But that doesn’t mean that such volumes won’t cause damage.

How can I prevent noise induced hearing loss?

Noise induced hearing loss impacts millions of people every year. And, unlike age-related hearing loss, noise-induced hearing loss can present at any age. That’s why prevention is so important. Some of the most effective prevention strategies include the following:

Noise-induced hearing loss is not inevitable. Prevention strategies can help preserve your hearing. With the right approach, you can enjoy all that summer–or any other season–has to offer and protect your hearing.

Talking to a hearing specialist can help start your journey towards healthier ears and better hearing.

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