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Protect Your Hearing Health from Summer Sounds

man driving speedboat.

Summer is synonymous with outdoor fun and activities, but it also brings a barrage of loud noises that can put your hearing at risk. From the constant hum of lawn mowers and leaf blowers to the explosive sounds of fireworks, the auditory environment of summer can be hazardous. Understanding the sources of these loud noises and how to protect yourself is essential to maintaining your hearing health.

How to navigate safe decibel levels during summer

Sounds are measured in decibels (dB), and anything over 100 dB can cause hearing damage. Recognizing when a sound is too loud is crucial, especially during summer when we spend more time outside amidst various noise sources. This can lead to noise-induced hearing loss, a risk for both the young and old.

Hearing damage depends on the sound’s intensity and duration. To keep your family’s hearing safe, be mindful of the loud summer noises.

Baseball games

Attending a baseball game is a beloved summer activity, but it comes with a sound warning. The roar of the crowd, music, and post-game fireworks can be overwhelming. A study revealed that decibel levels at major league games can average 94 dB, peaking at 114 dB. Bringing earplugs for yourself and your children can help protect your hearing.

Motorcycles and speedboats

Riding a motorcycle or speedboat is thrilling but noisy. Without a helmet, motorcycle sounds can reach 103 dB, louder than a chainsaw. Similarly, the wind and engine noise of a speedboat can match this level. Exposure to 115 dB for just 15 minutes can cause permanent hearing damage. Always wear ear protection to enjoy these activities safely.

Outdoor concerts

Outdoor concerts are a summer highlight, but they often come with dangerously high volume levels. If you have to shout to be heard, it’s too loud. Position yourself away from the speakers and use earplugs to enjoy the music without risking your hearing.

Target practice

Shooting sports and firearms for protection are becoming more common, but they pose significant hearing risks. Firearms can produce noise levels of 140 dB, leading to instant hearing loss. The more protective gear you use, the safer your ears will be.

Road work and construction

Summer is prime time for road work and construction. The noise from drills, power tools, and machinery can range from 80 to 90 dB. Staying aware of your surroundings and using ear protection can help mitigate the risk.

Additional hazardous sounds

Enjoying a safe summer

Summer should be a time of fun and relaxation, but it’s important to protect your hearing from its noisy activities. Regular hearing tests can help monitor any changes or damage.

If you notice new or worsening hearing issues, find a hearing specialist near you to schedule an appointment.

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