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Hearing Aids Ain’t What They Used to Be – They’re Better

Excited men because hearing aids are the best they've ever been.

Have you used your ear trumpet lately? No? You don’t use one? Because it’s a technology that’s hundreds of years out of date? Oh. Okay. I suppose that makes sense. Ear trumpets are a bit… antiquated.

The modern(ish) hearing aid, it turns out, was developed during the 1950s–the basic shape, that is. And for some reason, that’s the hearing aid that’s become established in our collective consciousness. The problem is that a hearing aid built in the 1950s is just about as antiquated as a hearing trumpet. To understand just how much better modern hearing aids are, we have to unshackle our imaginations.

The history of hearing aids

In order to better understand just how advanced hearing aids have become, it’s helpful to have some context about where they started. If we trace the history back far enough, you can probably find some form of hearing assistance device as far back as the 1500s (though, there’s no evidence that these wooden, ear-shaped artifacts actually worked).

The “ear trumpet” was probably the first marginally effective hearing assistance mechanism. This construct was shaped like, well, a long trumpet. The wide end faced the world and the narrow end was directed into your ear. These, er, devices weren’t exactly high tech, but they did offer some measurable assistance.

The real revolution came once someone invited electricity to the party. In the 1950s, in particular, the hearing aid as we know it was developed. They were quite rudimentary, relying on transistors and large, primitive batteries to get the job done. But these devices represent the birth of a hearing aid that could be easily worn and concealed. Of course, modern hearing aids may share the same shape and mission as those early 1950s models–but their performance goes light years beyond what was possible 70 years ago.

Modern capabilities of hearing aids

Simply put, modern hearing aids are technological masterpieces. And they keep getting better. Since the later years of the twentieth century, modern hearing aids have been taking advantage of digital technologies in several profound ways. The first, and the most essential, way is simple: power. Modern hearing aids can pack significantly more power into a much smaller space than their earlier predecessors.

And with that greater power comes a long list of sophisticated advances:

Hearing aids are high tech

Just as rotary phones no longer exemplify long-distance communication, the hearing aids of old no longer capture what these devices are. Hearing aids aren’t what they used to be. And that’s a good thing–because now they’re even better.

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